Chapter 7 & Chapter 13
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a fast and effective way of getting rid of unsecured debt (credit card debt, medical bills, payday loans, etc.). The entire process usually takes 3-4 months.
Chapter 13 can eliminate unsecured debt and provides assistance with secured debts such as houses and cars. A well crafted Chapter 13 plan can provide benefits unavailable in a Chapter 7.
Private & Federal Student Loans
Student loan debt has surpassed $1.4 trillion and climbing. Collection of student loans can be stopped while in bankruptcy. Additionally, there are programs outside of bankruptcy that can drastically reduce the payments.
Expunge Records and Criminal Representation
The new Indiana expungment law allows an expungement of criminal records as long as the convictions meets certain requirements. Do not let your criminal record stop you from getting a job or promotion, have it expunged.
Just because you have been charged with a crime, it does not mean that you are guilty. The prosecution has the burden of proving the case. We will protect your rights and provide an aggressive defense.
Being unable to work causesemotional and financial issues. The process to get benefits can be intimidating. With the right help, you can get your benefits in a timely fashion. Fugate Law Firm can help get your benefits and stabilize your financial future.
Aggressive representation